Fabian Bock

Forschte als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Graduiertenkolleg SocialCars. Er beschäftigte sich mit der automatischen Erstellung Dynamischer Karten für autonome Systeme am Beispiel von Parkplätzen und ihrer Belegung.





Begutachtete Zeitschriftenartikel und Buchkapitel

  • Bock F., Di Martino S., Sester M. (2019): What Is the Impact of On-street Parking Information for Drivers?In: Kawai Y., Storandt S., Sumiya K. (eds) Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems. W2GIS 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11474. Springer, Cham Weitere Informationen
  • Bock, F., Di Martino, S., & Origlia, A. (2019): Smart Parking: Using a Crowd of Taxis to Sense On-Street Parking Space AvailabilityIEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Weitere Informationen
  • Rybarsch, M., Aschermann, M., Bock, F., Goralzik, A., Köster, F., Ringhand, M., Trifunović, A. (2017): Cooperative parking search: Reducing travel time by information exchange among searching vehicles.2017 IEEE 20th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC) (pp. 1-6). IEEE. Weitere Informationen
  • Bock, Fabian and Liu, Jiaqi and Sester, Monika (2016): Learning On-Street Parking Maps from Position Information of Parked VehiclesGeospatial Data in a Changing World, pp. 297-314 | Datei |

Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge

  • Fabian Bock, Karen Xia, and Monika Sester (2018): Mapping similarities in temporal parking occupancy behavior based on city-wide parking meter data Proc. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 1, 12, 2018
    DOI: 10.5194/ica-proc-1-12-2018
  • Wang, Y.; Bock, F.; Koetsier, C.; Winter, S.; Sester, M. (2018): Introducing ridesharing into parking problems23rd International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies. Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, Hong Kong.
  • Bock, F., Di Martino, S. and Sester, M. (2017): Data-Driven Approaches for Smart ParkingLecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 10536 LNAI, pp. 358-362
  • Bock, F., Di Martino, S., & Origlia, A. (2017): A 2-Step Approach to Improve Data-driven Parking Availability Predictions.Proceedings of the 10th ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Computational Transportation Science (pp. 13-18). ACM.
  • Bock, Fabian and Attanasio, Yuri and Di Martino, Sergio (2017): Spatio-Temporal Road Coverage of Probe Vehicles: A Case Study on Crowd-Sensing of Parking Availability with TaxisLecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography: Societal Geo-innovation, pp. 165-184
  • Bock, Fabian and Martino, Sergio Di and Sester, Monika (2016): What are the potentialities of crowdsourcing for dynamic maps of on-street parking spaces?Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Computational Transportation Science, pp. 19-24
  • Fabian Bock and Monika Sester (2016): Improving Parking Availability Maps using Information from Nearby RoadsTransportation Research Procedia, vol. 19, pp. 207-214
    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.trpro.2016.12.081


  • Brenner, C. and Bock, F. and Schlichting, A. (2015): Automatisierte Interpretation Von Lidar Mobile Mapping DatenTerrestrisches Laserscanning 2015, Schriftenreihe des DVW 81/2015, pp. 45-62 | Datei |
  • F. Bock and D. Eggert and M. Sester (2015): On-street Parking Statistics Using LiDAR Mobile MappingIntelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2015 IEEE 18th International Conference on, pp. 2812-2818


  • Bock, F. (2018): Dynamic Parking Maps from Vehicular CrowdsensingDeutsche Geodätische Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Reihe C, Nr. 817 (identisch mit / identical with Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten der Fachrichtung Geodäsie und Geoinformatik der Universität Hannover ISSN 0174-1454, Nr. 342, Hannover 2018) Weitere Informationen
    ISBN: ISBN 978-3-7696-5232-1, 140 S.

sonstige Beiträge

  • Claus Brenner and Fabian Bock and Alexander Schlichting (2016): Dynamische Karten - Gedächtnis mobiler RoboterUnimagazin, Forschungsmagazin der Universität Hannover, vol. 03/04, pp. 34-37