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Bike Sensor Data Set for Vehicle Encounters: A Comprehensive Open Data Resource

Bike Sensor Data Set for Vehicle Encounters: A Comprehensive Open Data Resource

Categories Software und Daten
Year 2023
Authors Tim P. J. Schimansky, Oskar Wage, Jens Golze, Udo Feuerhake
Published in Research Data Repository Leibniz University Hannover

The Bike Sensor Data Set for Vehicle Encounters is a comprehensive collection of open data aimed at studying and analyzing encounter between bicycles and vehicles in urban environments. This dataset combines data captured by a sensor platform integrated with a smartphone mounted on a bike. By including various smartphone sensors and timestamps for overtaking events, this dataset offers a rich source of information for investigating and understanding the dynamics of vehicle encounters from the perspective of cyclists.

DOI 10.25835/e6iagxo9
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