2th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Sustainable Urban Mobility (SUMob 2024)
Tuesday, October 29, 2024: Starttime: 13:00
13:00-13:45 : Keynote: Srinivas Peeta, Frederick R. Dickerson Chair in Transportation Systems in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Tech
13:45-14:00 : Coffee Break
14:00-14:30 : Presentations of Papers 1-3
Transit Planning Support System: A Novel View
Itzhak Benenson (Tel Aviv University), Aleksey Ogulenko (Tel Aviv University), Nir Sharav (Tel Aviv University), and Robert Ishaq (Transportation Planning LTD)
Multi-Channel Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks for Accurate Micromobility Demand Prediction Integrating Public Transport Data
Linda Belkessa (Université Gustave Eiffel, France), Mostafa Ameli (Université Gustave Eiffel, France), Mohsen Ramezani (University of Sydney, Australia), and Mahdi Zargayouna (Université Gustave Eiffel, France)
Alternative Routing based on Road Popularity
Giuliano Cornacchia (ISTI-CNR and University of Pisa, Italy), Ludovico Lemma (University of Pisa, Italy), and Luca Pappalardo (ISTI-CNR and Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa, Italy)
14:30-14:45 : Discussion of Papers 1-3
14:45-15:05 : Presentations of Papers 4-5
Enhancing Urban Mobility Through Peer-to-Peer Ride-Sharing: A System-Wide Impact Assessment
Negin Alisoltani (Université Gustave Eiffel, France), Younes Delhoum (Université Gustave Eiffel, France), Mostafa Ameli (Université Gustave Eiffel, France), and Mahdi Zargayouna (Université Gustave Eiffel, France)
CycleTrajectory: An End-to-End Pipeline for Enriching and Analyzing GPS Trajectories to Understand Cycling Behavior and Environment
Meihui Wang (UCL, UK), James Haworth (UCL, UK), Ilya Ilyankou (UCL, UK), and Nicola Christie (UCL, UK)
15:05-15:15 : Discussion of Papers 4-5
15:15-16:30 : Data analytics to move urban mobility to net-zero (Interactive Session - World Cafe)
Scope of the Workshop
The ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems is a prime event for presenting computational methods - among others also towards improving mobility. At this workshop on Sustainable Urban Mobility, we are especially interested in lifting the conventional discussion on the impacts of mobility improvements to their actual impact on the complex system of access in a city. What makes this workshop distinct from other workshops on mobility at this conference is: it explicitly asks for research contributions studying greenwashing, adversarial consequences of efficiency improvements, and the complex system of access in the city as a whole.
Mobility and accessibility are central prerequisites for social integration and participation, exchange, employment and prosperity in our cities. And yet, motorized urban transport is known to be a major contributor to emissions (greenhouse gases, particles, noise), resource and space consumption, segregation of activities, decline of liveability, and for its propensity to encourage a more passive lifestyle.
Thus, there is a long-recognized need to shift urban mobility worldwide towards sustainable solutions, beyond only emission targets. Yet, this shift is often studied for mobility modes or mobility systems in isolation. But they are part of the social, environmental, and economic fabric of the city, and only systems thinking will lead to significant breakthroughs and progress towards sustainability.
Sustainability is often aimed at by avoid, shift, reduce principles. With regard to urban mobility, which is a derived demand, a number of factors impact these three principles: Those addressing the urban fabric and common infrastructure – e.g., urban planning, transport engineering, traffic management, – and those addressing individual behavior and culture, guided by, e.g., costs, incentives, and other regulations. Each of these factors raise questions relevant to our computational community:
- Which interventions to avoid, shift, and reduce can make basic functionalities of life accessible for all people with less or no motorized trips?
- And where basic functionalities are already accessible, such as in dense urban areas, which regulatory interventions can support a behavioral shift to more local lifestyles?
- And how can any of these interventions be assessed for its impact at system scale?
This is a domain of spatial and spatiotemporal simulation, data analytics, and prediction.
Topics of this workshop include, but are not limited to:
- Make real costs of mobility transparent, including its impacts across other sectors (e.g. energy, environment, logistics, public health)
- Explore and assess environments that support sustainable mobility (e. g., 15 min centers)
- Investigate and quantify transport fairness
- Explore the impact of new forms of information (e.g., mobility carbon budgets, transport options)
- Investigate how to substitute personal motorized trips in areas lacking supply with (some) basic functionalities
- Elicit decisive parameters for route or mode choice to nudge travelers to a more sustainable behavior
- Assess sharing principles (e. g., car sharing, ride sharing) and its integration with mass transportation for their system-wide impact
- Manage distribution of traffic in favor of active mobility or shared mobility at the expense of individual motorized traffic
- Explore alternative concepts for urban logistics
- Extend single-mode optimizations taking system-wide sustainability into account (changing demand, land use, environment, waste, energy, logistics)
- Devise decision support tools, methods and data analyses to support sustainable policy making
The workshop aims for active participation and broad discussion, e.g., in breakout groups. Thus, we invite also alternative forms of contributions - besides full papers.
Call for Papers

Call for Papers
We invite the following contributions:
Paper formats:
- Full research paper: 8-10 pages
- Short research paper: 4 pages
- data papers: 4 pages
- Vision or statement paper: 2 pages
All these papers will undergo peer review, but vision papers are only considered for discussion and will not be published. A data paper should present a publicly accessible data set and the circumstances of the collection of the data, possibly with tools to read or use the dataset to make it more findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable, together with a usecase.
The alternative forms to a full research paper are actively encouraged since the workshop aims for active participation and broad discussion, e.g., in breakout groups.
All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by our Program Committee (PC). Manuscripts should be submitted in PDF format and formatted using the ACM camera-ready templates available at Submissions will be single-blind, i.e., the names affiliations of the authors should be listed in the submitted version.
Submissions that do not follow the page limit or formatting requirements will be desk rejected without any technical reviews.
All papers should be submitted through EasyChair using the following link:
Based on the evaluations from the reviewers, the Program Committee may recommend that certain papers are invited for presentation and discussion at the workshop but not be published in the workshop proceedings.
Important Dates

Important Dates
Workshop: October 29, 2024 (first day of the ACM SIGSPATIAL 2024 Conference)
Camera ready:
- Paper submission: August, 30, 2024
- Notification of acceptance: September 20, 2024
- Camera ready papers due: September 27, 2024
All submissions are due at 11:59 PM CET.
Organizers and Program Committee

- Stephan Winter, The University of Melbourne, Australia
- Monika Sester, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany
- Latifa Oukhellou, Université Gustave Eiffel, France
Program Committee
- Jan-Fabian Ehmke, University Vienna, Austria
- Jörg P. Müller, TU Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany
- Angela Carboni, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
- Olga Shkedova, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany
- Sabine Timpf, Augsburg University, Germany
- Martin Tomko, The University of Melbourne, Australia
- Michael Nolting, VolksWagen Nutzfahrzeuge, Germany
- Ouri Wolfson, University of Illinois, USA
- Jörg Rüdiger Sack, Carleton University, Canada
- Wei Huang, Tongji University, China
- Udo Feuerhake, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany
- Sergio di Martino, University of Naples "Federico II", Italy
- Oskar Wage, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany
Download and Links
- Call for Papers (PDF)
- Main Conference (external link)