Masterarbeiten (abgeschlossen)
Visual communication of bicycle routes using cartographic symbolizationThe present work focuses on the visualization of specially selected features that occur on a bicycle route and that influence comfort while driving. Routes in an urban environment, which are represented by edges of a graph, are mainly used for visualization. These edges of a route are individually mapped with a visual variable each so that the underlying feature appears in a map display. The variants created in this way for one of five characteristics are tested in a user study for efficiency, effectiveness, attractiveness and suitability and compared with more information-rich visualizations. The result of the evaluation reveals that color representations as well as representations with symbols or signatures are perceived as the most ideal.Leitung: Golze, Wage, Fuest, Feuerhake, SesterTeam:Jahr: 2021
Visual route communication via geometric deformationThis thesis proposes visual route communication via geometric deformation while providing map readers with different route options and helping them by visual means distinguish the most efficient route according to their personal preferences. The proposed communication is directed to create individual routing solutions, motivate travelers to avoid paths traversing the territories, which should be circumvented for different reasons. For route communication via geometric deformation, human psychological aspects were examined. For representation, existing visual variables were investigated and taken as a basis. The deformation method for the thesis found inspiration in perspective drawing art techniques, previously introduced multiple scales designs for maps, geometric projections, and distortions. Finally, the idea to visualize roads in the shape of a hollow or a pit was created. For the deformation implementation, two approaches were proposed in the thesis. The first method is based on the variable scales design. The foundation of the second method is lens distortion. As part of the thesis, an automated system for deformation was realized.Leitung: Fuest, SesterTeam:Jahr: 2021
Using dynamic visual variables for visualizing efficiency in route maps(Un)fortunately, as the world becomes more urbanized and the population density of cities continue to increase, there has been a proportional increase in automobile dependence, which has in turn resulted in high traffic density, increased air pollution, higher road risks, amongst other side effects. This thesis aims to develop dynamic visualization variants based on the dynamic visual variables and evaluate the effectiveness of these variants in communicating route efficiency to users and how we can use the dynamic variables to influence route choice.Leitung: Fuest, SesterTeam:Jahr: 2021
Entwicklung von umweltgerechten und stauvermeidenden Routingalgorithmen mittels VerkehrssimulationenAufgrund des ständig wachsenden Verkehrsaufkommens in städtischen Umgebungen und damit aufkommender Probleme wie eine erhöhte Luftverschmutzung, spielen umwelt-orientierte Ansätze zur Erreichung einer besseren Stadtverträglichkeit des Verkehrs eine immer wichtigere Rolle. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der Entwicklung von umwelt-gerechten Routingalgorithmen, sowie deren Validierung im Rahmen von Verkehrssimulationen. Der verwendete Routingalgorithmus ist der A* - Algorithmus unter Nutzung der jeweils entwickelten Kriterien als Gewichte.Leitung: Sester, FuestTeam:Jahr: 2019
Offene Bachelorarbeiten
Map-based storytelling of historical sea voyages with a vague spatiotemporal data basisThe thesis topic is related to the DiViAS project (digitization, visualization and analysis of collection items) which brings together scientific methods and practices for digitizing, researching and representing collections from colonial contexts. The project involves developing new approaches for making sense of the information derived from historical sources such as logbooks or travel reports. One of the project goals is to make the movements of ships, people and objects traceable, which can be facilitated by cartographic representations of these movements. In fact, many of these processes can only be understood in a temporal context. Since the information provided in the historical sources is oftentimes vague, inaccurate or incomplete, a visual representation using narrative techniques such as storymapping may facilitate understanding the spatiotemporal sequence of the events that happened throughout the journey.Leitung: Fuest, SesterJahr: 2024
Offene Masterarbeiten
Calculation of the itinerary of historical sea voyages with a vague spatiotemporal data basisThe thesis topic is related to the DiViAS project (digitization, visualization and analysis of collection items) which brings together scientific methods and practices for digitizing, researching and representing collections from colonial contexts. The project involves developing new approaches for making sense of the information derived from historical sources such as logbooks or travel reports. One of the project goals is to make the movements of ships, people and objects traceable, which can be facilitated by cartographic representations of these movements. Since the information provided in the historical sources is oftentimes vague, inaccurate or incomplete, the challenge here is to estimate the itinerary of a ship by taking a certain degree of vagueness into account.Leitung: Fuest, SesterJahr: 2024
© Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin ‐ Kartenabteilung
Map-based storytelling of historical sea voyages with a vague spatiotemporal data basisThe thesis topic is related to the DiViAS project (digitization, visualization and analysis of collection items) which brings together scientific methods and practices for digitizing, researching and representing collections from colonial contexts. The project involves developing new approaches for making sense of the information derived from historical sources such as logbooks or travel reports. One of the project goals is to make the movements of ships, people and objects traceable, which can be facilitated by cartographic representations of these movements. In fact, many of these processes can only be understood in a temporal context. Since the information provided in the historical sources is oftentimes vague, inaccurate or incomplete, a visual representation using narrative techniques such as storymapping may facilitate understanding the spatiotemporal sequence of the events that happened throughout the journey.Leitung: Fuest, SesterJahr: 2024