Publikationen des Instituts für Kartographie und Geoinformatik

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Anzahl der gefundenen Publikationen: 873
  • Czioska, Paul and Sester, Monika (2015): Determination of efficient meeting points in ride sharing scenarios18th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science
  • D. Fitzner and M. Sester (2015): Estimation of precipitation fields from 1-minute rain gauge time series – comparison of spatial and spatio-temporal interpolation methodsInternational Journal of Geographical Information Science, vol. 29 (9), pp. 1668-1693
    DOI: 10.1080/13658816.2015.1040022
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  • F. Bock and D. Eggert and M. Sester (2015): On-street Parking Statistics Using LiDAR Mobile MappingIntelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2015 IEEE 18th International Conference on, pp. 2812-2818
  • Fuest, S., Li, R., & Schwering, A. (2015): Navigating on web maps: Route characteristics and performanceProceedings of the 18th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science. Lisbon, Portugal. | Datei |
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  • Garthoff, R., Otto, P. (2015): Simultaneous surveillance of means and covariances of spatial modelsSpringer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol. 122, pp. 271-281
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-13881-7_30
    ISBN: 978-3-319-13881-7
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  • J. Chen and I. Dowman and S. Li and Z. Li and M. Madden and J. Mills and N. Paparoditis and F. Rottensteiner and M. Sester and C. Toth and J. Trinder and C. Heipke (2015): Information from imagery: ISPRS scientific vision and research agendaISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
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  • Li, Songnian and Dragicevic, Suzana and Castro, Francesc Ant{'o}n and Sester, Monika and Winter, Stephan and Coltekin, Arzu and Pettit, Christopher and Jiang, Bin and Haworth, James and Stein, Alfred and others (2015): Geospatial big data handling theory and methods: A review and research challengesISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
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  • M. Abdelaal, M. Fränzle, and A. Hahn (2015): Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Tracking of Underactuated Vessels under Input Constraints9th IEEE European Modelling Symposium on Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation
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  • M. Sester, P.P. Altermatt, H. Holst, H. Huang, H. Schilke, V. Schöber, G. Seckmeyer and M. Winter (2015): Vertikale SolarfassadenJahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung
  • M. Sester, U. Feuerhake, C. Kuntzsch and S. Zourlidou (2015): Interpretation of Moving Point TrajectoriesPhotogrammetric Week 15, Stuttgart, Germany
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  • O. Roeth, D. Zaum and C. Brenner (2015): Improving GPS-based road network constructions in a post-processing step of global optimizationITS Telecommunications (ITST), 2015 14th International Conference on, pp. 70-74
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  • P. Czioska, F. Thiemann, M. Sester, R. Giese and H. Vogt (2015): An Algorithm to Generate a Simplified Railway Network through GeneralizationPFG - Photogrammetrie-Fernerkundung-Geoinformation, vol. 2015 (1), pp. 95-104
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  • R. Guercke and M. Sester (2015): Homogenization of Facade Structures18th ICA Workshop on Generalisation and Multiple Representation, Rio de Janeiro
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  • S. Zourlidou and M. Sester (2015): Towards regulation-aware navigation: a behavior-based mapping approach18th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science
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  • S. Zourlidou and M. Sester (2015): Road regulation sensing with in-vehicle sensorsProceedings of the 3rd AGILE Phd School, Champs sur Marne, France
    sonstige Beiträge
  • U. Feuerhake, C. Brenner and M. Sester (2015): GPS-Aided Video TrackingISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, vol. 4 (3), pp. 1317 | Datei |
    DOI: 10.3390/ijgi4031317
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  • A. Schlichting and C. Brenner (2014): Localization using automotive laser scanners and local pattern matchingIntelligent Vehicles Symposium Proceedings, 2014 IEEE, pp. 414-419 | Datei |
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  • A. Schlichting and C. Brenner (2014): Genauigkeitsuntersuchung zur Lokalisierung von Fahrzeugen mittels Automotive-Laserscannern23: Publikation der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung und Geoinformation e.V. - Vorträge der 34. Wissenschaftlich-Technischen Jahrestagung der DGPF | Datei |
  • A. Schlichting, C. Brenner, and S. Schön (2014): Bewertung von inertialen Messsystemen mittels Laserscannern und bekannter LandmarkenPFG - Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung, Geoinformation, vol. 2014 (1), pp. 5-15 | Datei |
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  • A. Sen, T. Gokgoz and M. Sester (2014): Model generalization of two different drainage patterns by self-organizing mapsCartography and Geographic Information Science, vol. 0 (0), pp. 1-15
    DOI: 10.1080/15230406.2013.877231
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