Publikationen des Instituts für Kartographie und Geoinformatik

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Anzahl der gefundenen Publikationen: 873
  • J.-H. Haunert, A. Dilo and P. van Oosterom (2009): Constrained set-up of the tGAP structure for progressive vector data transferComputers and Geosciences
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  • K. Nebe and V. Paelke (2009): Usability-Engineering-Requirements as a Basis for the Integration with Software EngineeringLecture Notes in Computer Science: Human-Computer Interaction, vol. 5610, pp. 652-659
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  • M. Sester (2009): Cooperative Boundary Detection in a Geosensor Network using a SOMProceedings of the International Cartographic Conference | Datei |
  • M. Sester and C. Brenner (2009): A vocabulary for a multiscale process description for fast transmission and continuous visualization of spatial dataComputers and Geosciences
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  • N. Ripperda and C. Brenner (2009): Application of a Formal Grammar to Facade Reconstruction in Semiautomatic and Automatic EnvironmentsProceedings of 12th AGILE Conference on GIScience | Datei |
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  • Nebe, K. and Zimmermann, D. and Paelke, V. (2009): Integrating Software Engineering and Usability EngineeringAdvances in Human Computer Interaction, InTech Education and Publishing, pp. 331-350
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  • R. Guercke and C. Brenner (2009): A Framework for the Generalization of 3D City ModelsProceedings of 12th AGILE Conference on GIScience | Datei |
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  • R. Guercke, C. Brenner and M. Sester (2009): Generalization of Semantically Enhanced 3d City ModelsProceedings of the GeoWeb 2009 Conference, Vancouver, Canada, pp. CD-Rom | Datei |
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  • R. Guercke, C. Brenner and M. Sester (2009): Generalization of 3d City Models as a ServiceProceedings of the ISPRS/COST Workshop on Quality, Scale and Analysis Aspects of City Models, Lund, Sweden, ISPRS XXXVIII-2/W11, pp. CD-Rom | Datei |
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  • R. Rudnicki, M. Sester and V. Paelke (2009): Visual Interactive Exploration of Spatio-Temporal PatternsInternational Workshop on Visual Languages and Computing | Datei |
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  • S. Dalyot and Y. Doytsher (2009): A Hierarchical Approach Toward 3-D Geospatial Data Set Merging'Innovations in GIS: Representing, Modeling, and Visualizing the Natural Environment, pp. 196-220'
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  • S. Dalyot and Y. Doytsher (2009): Hierarchical Modelling of Multi-Geospatial Databases as Basis for Geo-Oriented 3D Analysis Capabilities'Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography: 3D Geo-Information Sciences, 10.1007/978-3-540-87395-2_19, pp. 301-318'
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  • S. Dalyot, A. Gershkovich and Y. Doytsher (2009): Novel Real-Time Coordinate Transformations based on N-Dimensional Geo-Registration Parameters' Matrices'FIG Working Week 2009'
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  • S. Hofmann and C. Brenner (2009): Quality Assessment of Automatically Generated Feature Maps for Future Driver Assistance SystemsProceedings of the 17th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM-GIS'09), pp. 500-503 | Datei |
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  • S. Werder (2009): Formalization of Spatial ConstraintsProceedings of 12th AGILE Conference on GIScience | Datei |
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  • S. Werder and A. Krüger (2009): Parallelizing Geospatial Tasks in Grid ComputingGIS.SCIENCE, vol. 3, pp. 71-76
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  • T. Dahinden (2009): Localization of Uncertain and Fuzzy-bordered Areas by Geocoded Articles of a Knowledge Repository24th Internation Cartographic Conference Conference Proceedings, CD-ROM | Datei |
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  • T. Dahinden and M. Sester (2009): Categorization of Linear Objects for Map Generalization Using Geocoded Articles of a Knowledge RepositoryProceedings of the International Workshop Presenting Spatial Information: Granularity, Relevance, and Integration, held in conjunction with the Conference on Spatial Information Theory, COSIT
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  • U. Haberlandt and M. Sester (2009): Areal rainfall estimation using moving cars as rain gauges - a modelling studyHydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, vol. 6 (4), pp. 4737-4772
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  • V. Paelke and K. Nebe (2009): Integrating usability engineering and software engineering in mixed reality system developmentC3S2E, pp. 137-141
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