Publikationen des Instituts für Kartographie und Geoinformatik

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Anzahl der gefundenen Publikationen: 865
  • K. Nebe, M. Düchting and V. Paelke (2008): Integrating UCD Activities in Agile Software DevelopmentACM CHI 2008 Workshop on Optimizing Agile UCD
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  • K. Nebe, M. Düchting, D. Zimmermann and V. Paelke (2008): Qualitätsaspekte bei der Integration von User Centred Design Aktivitäten in SoftwareentwicklungsprozesseUPA Conference, Mensch und Computer 2008
  • K.-H. Anders and R. Rudnicki (2008): Visual Interpretation of Motion by a Dynamic Space Time Grid Approach'Workshop ''Semantic Web meets Geospatial Applications'', held in conjunction with AGILE 2008' | Datei |
  • M. Andrei, A. Berre, L. Costa, P. Duchesne, D. Fitzner, M. Grcar, J. Hoffmann, E. Klien, J. Langlois, A. Limyr, P. Maue, S. Schade, N. Steinmetz, F. Tertre, L. Vasiliu, R. Zaharia and N. Zastavni (2008): SWING: an integrated environment for geospatial semantic web servicesESWC'08: Proceedings of the 5th European semantic web conference on The semantic web: research and applications, pp. 767-771
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  • M. Andrei, A. Berre, L. Costa, P. Duchesne, D. Fitzner, M. Grcar, J. Hoffmann, E. Klien, J. Langlois, A. Limyr, P. Maué, S. Schade, N. Steinmetz, F. Tertre, L. Vasiliu, R. Zaharia and N. Zastavni (2008): SWING: A Geospatial Semantic Web Service Environment'Demonstration Paper at Workshop ''Semantic Web meets Geospatial Applications'', held in conjunction with AGILE 2008'
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  • M. Sester (2008): Self-Organizing Maps for Density-Preserving Reduction of Objects in Cartographic GeneralizationSelf-Organising Maps, Applications in GI Science
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  • M. Sester and H. Neidhart (2008): Reconstruction of Building Ground Plans from Laser Scanner DataProceedings of the AGILE | Datei |
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  • M. Sester, J.-H. Haunert and K.-H. Anders (2008): Modell- und kartographische Generalisierung von topographischen und thematischen InformationenKartographische Nachrichten, vol. 58 (6), pp. 307-314
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  • Mondzech, Juliane and Jurisch, Franziska and Agirgöl, Sarah (2008): High resolution bathymetry of the Prydz Bay and the Southern Ocean'The expedition of the research vessel ''Polarstern'' to the Antarctic in 2007 (ANT-XXIII/9), Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung -- Reports on polar and marine research, vol. 583/2008, pp. 75-79'
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  • Mondzech, Juliane and Jurisch, Franziska and Agirgöl, Sarah and Gäbler, Steffi (2008): Phaeocystis antarctica in a water transect from South America to South Africa'The expedition of the research vessel ''Polarstern'' to the Antarctic in 2007 (ANT-XXIII/9), Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung -- Reports on polar and marine research, vol. 583/2008, pp. 73-74'
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  • N. Ripperda (2008): Grammar Based Facade Reconstruction using RjMCMCPhotogrammetrie Fernerkundung Geoinformation (PFG), vol. 2, pp. 83-92 | Datei |
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  • N. Ripperda (2008): Determination of Facade Attributes for Facade ReconstructionInternational Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, vol. 37 (B3a), pp. 285-290 | Datei |
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  • R. Guercke, C. Brenner and M. Sester (2008): Data Integration and Generalization for SDI in a Grid Computing FrameworkInternational Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, vol. XXXVII | Datei |
  • R. Rudnicki, K.-H. Anders and M. Sester (2008): Rendezvous-Problem in Local Shared-Ride Trip PlanningInternational Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, vol. XXXVIII | Datei |
  • S. Dalyot, E. Keinan and Y. Doytsher (2008): Toward Continuous and Updated 3D Geospatial Terrain Modelling Based on DTM and LiDAR Data'ISPRS 2008'
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  • S. Dalyot, E. Keinan and Y. Doytsher (2008): Landslide Morphology Analysis Model Based on LiDAR and Topographic Dataset ComparisonSurveying and Land Information Science>, vol. 68, pp. 155-170(16)
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  • S. Winter, M. Tomko, B. Elias and M. Sester (2008): Landmark Hierarchies in ContextEnvironment and Planning B, vol. 35 (3), pp. 381-398 | Datei |
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  • T. Dahinden (2008): Buchbesprechung: Thomas Brinkhoff 2007, Geodatenbanksysteme in Theorie und PraxisPhotogrammetrie Fernerkundung Geoinformation - PFG, vol. 6, pp. 540-541 | Datei |
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  • T. Dahinden (2008): Methoden und Beurteilungskriterien für die analytischen Felsdarstellung in topografischen Karten265, 265
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  • T. Dahinden, Ch. Rapsch, D. Heinzmann, P. R. Torgerson, U. Braun, P. Deplazes, L. Hurni, H. Bär and G. Knubben-Schweizer (2008): A map with the potential evolution of fasciola hepatica in switzerlandSVGopen Conference 2008