Publikationen des Instituts für Kartographie und Geoinformatik

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Anzahl der gefundenen Publikationen: 873
  • I. Kruse (2012): Vermessungsarbeiten 2004-2008Das Theater von Patara. Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen 2004 bis 2008. Mit Beiträgen von Helmut Engelmann und Urs Peschlow (Istanbul 2012), pp. 301-304
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  • J.-A. Paffenholz (2012): Direct geo-referencing of 3D point clouds with 3D positioning sensorsDissertationen - Reihe C, vol. 689
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  • J.-A. Paffenholz and K.-B. Bae (2012): Geo-referencing point clouds with transformational and positional uncertainties>Journal of Applied Geodesy, vol. 6 (1), pp. 33-46
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  • J.-A. Paffenholz, C. Brenner and M. Sester (2012): Collaborative positioning using landmark mapsProceedings of the 5th ACM SIGSPATIAL IWCTS'12 | Datei |
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  • M. J. Schulze, C. Brenner, and M. Sester (2012): Cooperative information augmentation in a geosensor network'Advances in Geo-Spatial Information Science'
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  • M. Sester, U. Feuerhake, C. Kuntzsch and L. Zhang (2012): Revealing Underlying Structure and Behaviour from Movement DataKI - Künstliche Intelligenz, pp. 1-9
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  • N. Ripperda (2012): Rekonstruktion von Fassadenstrukturen mittels formaler Grammatiken und Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo SamplingVeröffentlichungen der Deutschen Geodätischen Kommission, Reihe C, vol. 649
  • R. Baggenstos, T. Dahinden, C. Rapsch, P.R. Torgerson, H.R. Bär and G. Knubben-Schweizer (2012): Verification of an interactive map assessing the potential spread of Galba truncatula and the free-living stages of Fasciola hepatica in SwitzerlandXXVII World Buiatrics Congress 2012 | Datei |
  • R. Guercke, J.Q. Zhao, C. Brenner, and Q. Zhu (2012): Generalization of tiled models with curved surfaces using typification'Advances in Geo-Spatial Information Science'
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  • S. Dalyot, A. Gershkovich, and Y. Doytsher (2012): Hierarchical approach for an accuracy-based conflation of multi-topographic databases'Advances in Geo-Spatial Information Science'
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  • S. Dalyot, T. Dahinden, M. J. Schulze, J. Boljen and M. Sester (2012): Geometrical Adjustment Towards the Alignment of Vector DatabasesISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, vol. I-4, pp. 13-18
    DOI: 10.5194/isprsannals-I-4-13-2012
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  • S. Hofmann, C. Kuntzsch, M. J. Schulze, D. Eggert and M. Sester (2012): Accuracy Analysis of a Low-Cost Platform for Positioning and Navigation>ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, vol. I-2, pp. 1-6
    DOI: 10.5194/isprsannals-I-2-1-2012
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  • S. Hofmann, D. Eggert, C. Kuntzsch and M. Sester (2012): Low-Cost Platform for Landmark-Based Positioning and NavigationProceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Machine Control & Guidance, pp. 259-268 | Datei |
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  • S. Winter, M. Sester, O. Wolfson and G. Geers (2012): Towards a computational transportation scienceJournal of Spatial Information Science, vol. 2, pp. 119-126
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  • T. Dahinden and M. Sester (2012): Estimation of the Off-Terrain from Airborne Laser Scanning Data using Multiple PolynomialsSDH Spatial Data Handling 2012 | Datei |
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  • T. Dahinden, D. Eggert and O. Flohr (2012): Generierung von ortsbezogenen Informationen zur Darstellung in Schlagwortwolken'Geoinformatik 2012 ''Mobilität und Umwelt'', pp. 271-276' | Datei |
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  • T. Dahinden, D. öhlschläger and P. Freckmann (2012): Erstellen einer Basiskarte auf Basis von Openstreetmap'Geoinformatik 2012 ''Mobilität und Umwelt'', pp. 255-261' | Datei |
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  • T. Dahinden, F. Bittner, P. Czioska, V. Kraft, A. Schlichting, M. Thies, M. J. Schulze, F. Thiemann and D. Eggert (2012): Modellierung von tachymetrisch erfassten Geländedaten in Echtzeit'Geoinformatik 2012 ''Mobilität und Umwelt'', pp. 223-228' | Datei |
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  • U. Feuerhake (2012): Prediction of Individual's Movement based on Interesting PlacesISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, vol. I-2, pp. 31-36 | Datei |
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  • U. Jaenen, U. Feuerhake, T. Klinger, D. Muhle, J. Haehner, M. Sester and C. Heipke (2012): QTrajectories: Improving the Quality of Object Tracking using Self-Organizing Camera NetworksISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, vol. I-4, pp. 269-274 | Datei |
    DOI: 10.5194/isprsannals-I-4-269-2012
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